Prayer times in Milan, prayer times in Italy
Prayer times in Milan, prayer times in Italy, and due to the travel of many Arab Muslims to European countries, especially to Italy, there is great interest in knowing the times and prayer times in them, especially in Milan, and through your content encyclopedia, you can identify the times of prayers in the Italian city of Milan via the lines below.
Prayer times for Milan, Italy
Here you can find out in detail the prayer times during the current month
Prayer times today July 2022, Dhu al-Hijjah 1443 in Milan The remaining time for the call to prayer 1:18:23
Imsak time: 03:43 AM
Fajr azan time: 3:53 AM
Dhuhr Azan time: 1:30 PM
Asr azan time: 5:33 PM
Maghrib Azan time : 8:55 PM
Isha azan time: 10:25 PM
The next prayer is the Maghrib prayer, and the call to prayer will be raised directly on the site, according to the timing of the timing.... Prayer times in Milan, prayer times in Italy...
When is sunrise in Milan
You can find out the timings and time of sunrise entry in Milan according to the following clock:
Prayer times in Milan, prayer times in Italy
6:04 AM Sunrise prayer begins in Milan, Italy.
Sunset time in Milan, Italy this month...
8:55 p.m. at eight fifty-five minutes in the evening, the time for Al-Aroub to enter Milan, Italy.
Prayer times in Milan Italy this month
Here you can find out the prayer times during this month of July and August according to the following:
More about Milan
Milan is located in Italy, with a population of approximately 1,237,000 people, latitude: 45.4642, and longitude: 9.18998. Milan is known as one of the favorite places to watch matches, especially Inter Milan and Milan matches, so do not forget to attend the most important Italian League matches, When you visit the most beautiful European cities, you can navigate in details about Milan from here.
Prayer times also for cities in Italy
From here, we have included a lot of information about the prayer times in Milan and their times in Italy:
Time to catch Milan: 03:43 AM
Fajr azan time in Milan: 3:53 AM
Dhuhr Azan time: 1:30 PM
Asr azan time in Milan: 5:33 PM
Maghrib Azan time : 8:55 PM
Isha azan time: 10:25 PM
Milan on.
Because it is one of the most important areas that Muslims visit from across the Arab world, and we will be committed to providing all times during the month of August 2022, and we wish you a new Hijri year, and spend the most beautiful times in the Italian city of Milan. Prayer times in Milan, prayer times in Italy.