
When does the contraceptive pill start to work?

 When does the contraceptive pill start to work?

When does the contraceptive pill start to take effect, some married women often face some problems in their daily lives, or some problems in childbirth and pregnancy, and there may be some women who do not want to get pregnant unplanned in advance, and perhaps one of the many questions that women are looking for is research For a way to prevent unexpected pregnancy, so some women find that they resort to using birth control pills in order to regulate the menstrual cycle, or in order not to get pregnant early, so we will learn through this article on when the effect of birth control pills begins.

What are the pills

Contraceptive pills are considered one of the modern and most prevalent methods at the present time, because they are of high quality in preventing pregnancy. Contraceptive pills contain a combination of the hormone progesterone and estrogen, and these pills prevent ovulation, meaning the process of leaving the egg from the uterus to meet the sperm,

and as Contraceptive pills work to increase the thickness of the vaginal mucous fluid, which is located in the cervix, which makes it difficult for sperm to reach the egg. Pregnancy in an unhealthy way may not prevent pregnancy, and the woman may find herself pregnant, so you must adhere to taking the pill every 24 hours.

When does the contraceptive pill start to work?

A married woman wonders when she takes contraceptive pills, when does the effect of contraceptive pills begin, and a woman may wonder about whether the contraceptive pills start on the same day? Therefore, studies, research, and experiments indicate that the effect of pills with pregnancy on the same day does not start on the same day.

and may The contraceptive pill works by either stopping the ovulation process or changing the mucus in the cervix to become thicker so that the sperm cannot pass through it and go to the uterus to fertilize the egg.

It should be noted that there are two types of contraceptive pills, including the combined contraceptive pill, which contains progesterone and estrogen, and the simple contraceptive pill, which contains only progesterone.

 If a woman delays taking birth control pills for several days after the start of her period, the woman must wait for 7 days before having intercourse, and when taking simple birth control pills, the woman must use some method to prevent pregnancy such as condoms in the first two days after starting from taking birth control pills.



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