
The best treatment for cough in children

 The best treatment for cough in children

The best treatment for cough in children, Coughing in young children is often caused by a viral infection in the respiratory tract, which in this case does not require treatment and usually disappears after one to two weeks automatically. As for chronic cough, its treatment depends on the cause, and the cause is determined by the doctor to give the appropriate treatment. The most important methods of treatment for cough are as follows:

Home and Natural Remedies for Cough in Babies

Home remedies are safe for children, they do not cost much and are available in almost every home, and most importantly, they are effective in treating a cough, and the most important home remedies are the following:[2][3]

• Using a nasal aspirator: a runny nose accompanies coughing in children with a cold; Nasal aspirator is used to draw out mucus or fluid in the nose to get rid of viruses. It is recommended to do the suction before feeding if the child is between three months to one year to prevent difficulty breathing for them.

• Using salt water spray or drops: These drops are used to facilitate the exit of mucus. The drops or spray can be purchased from the pharmacy. If they are not available, warm water can be used or prepared at home by dissolving half a tablespoon of salt in a cup of warm water.

• Staying hydrated: Staying hydrated is especially important when a child is sick; Water helps the body fight disease and keeps the airways moist and strong. One way to make sure a child gets enough water is to have them drink one portion (230 ml) of water for each year of their life. For example: a one-year-old needs at least one serving (230 ml) of water per day, and a two-year-old needs two servings (460 ml) per day. As for children who refuse their regular milk or do not eat much , these children may need more water; Therefore, it is advisable to offer them water at least every hour or two.

• Using a humidifier: moist air prevents mucus from drying out, and makes it less dense and easy to get rid of. A warm bath can be made for a while and let the child breathe from the rising steam; Because that also makes the air moist.

• Raising the child's head when sleeping: If the child suffers from a cough, it is advisable to raise the head when sleeping by placing a pillow or piece of cloth under the mattress where the head sleeps.

• Using Natural Remedies

o Honey: Honey is a natural sweetener that helps soothe the throat, and contains anti-bacterial properties. Therefore, it may help to fight infection, and it is usually given from 2-5 ml as needed for children from one year of age and older, and honey can also be mixed with warm water to facilitate its consumption; Where it was found that honey relieves cough and mucus and reduces nighttime cough. It is worth noting that honey is not given to children under the age of one year; As it may cause empyema poisoning.

o Menthol: where menthol is available in the form of fat and is used by placing a thick layer over the chest, neck and feet, and applying it to the child's feet may be safer than the chest; Because young children can touch it and then put it in their eyes, and never put it on the face or under the nose. It is also safe for children two years of age and older.

Cough medicine treatments

Medical treatments include over-the-counter medicines for coughs and colds, and it has been found that these medicines are so harmful to young children that they do more harm than good. Therefore, it is advised not to use it for children and replace it with home remedies, and its usability can be classified based on age, as:

• Under 4 years of age: no cough medicine is given to them; As these medicines have not been approved for children under the age of four, there is no evidence that they benefit them.

• 4-6 years: Do not use cough medicine unless recommended by your pediatrician.

• After the age of 6 years: Cough medicines are considered safe to use, but you must follow the doctor's instructions about the appropriate dosage.

Preventing children from getting a cough

Children can be helped to stay healthy and fight off colds and other illnesses by following these steps:

• Avoid direct contact with infected people: by maintaining a safe distance from people who have a cold, flu, or cough.

• Washing hands regularly: using soap and warm water to remove bacteria and viruses from the skin, and children should be taught how to wash their hands properly, with the need to use alcohol-based hand sanitizer outside the home. In addition to the importance of paying attention to good hygiene, and covering the mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing

• Use of disinfectant: When a family member is sick, it is recommended to clean the kitchen and bathroom regularly with disinfectant, and to wash bedding, towels, and cotton toys in hot water.

• Reducing psychological stress: as stress and psychological stress affect the immune system, and increase the risk of disease.

• Preventing smoking at home: inhaling cigarette smoke, even indirectly, increases the risk of developing asthma, chest infections, ear infections, and many other health problems in children.



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